Describe the first day at school that you remember.
Part 3
1.What would parents prepare for their kids when they first go to school?
Parents should ideally prepare children emotionally as well as practically. I mean, I think it’s important that parents try as best as they can to explain to children what is going on. Sometimes parents don’t give kids enough credit for intelligence. Children can understand things much better than we think – and they are very intuitive and insightful. So, we should explain carefully what lies ahead, and comfort our children and ensure they know they are not being abandoned. Of course, on a practical level there are lots of things that might need to be prepared like clothes and stuff like this. But that’s the easier part!
2.How do children socialise with each other?
It depends on the age. Until about the age of 3 children rarely engage in very interactive play. They tend to play alongside each other in the same place, but not really with each other. At the age of 4 they start to interact with each other more directly – they basically learn to listen to each other and coordinate how they do things with others – and then when they reach the age of 5 to 6 they make friends, play games and really interact on a much more social level.
3.Should children learn how to socialize with others?
It’s very important that children are socialized at a young age – that is, that they learn to interact, listen, be polite, answer, and engage with others. Firstly, with their family and secondly with their teachers and classmates and other people they meet via the family or school. This is a basic important skill in life. We live in the world with other people, and our entire lives depend on how we interact and get along with others, and that requires developing social skills. So, yes, it’s very important that kids learn to socialize with others – most certainly.
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